Open a store or agency that has not existed in the town. There may be hurdles, such as educating residents as to how your company will enhance their lives, but if it is a “first”, there will probably be interest in your company.
It may be the right time for a business owner to get out, which presents an opportunity to continue the business. The advantage of buying an existing presence is a shorter customer acquisition period. Residents are familiar with and comfortable with the company.

This option may meet resistance from residents who see a franchise as the death of a small town; however, a franchise presents a familiar image that can attract local patrons. One of the biggest hurdles for the franchisee is the upfront cost.

Prior to determining whether a new business is appropriate, there are several avenues to investigate in order to find a need that exists. Business brokers recommend that entrepreneurs do some research before introducing a new business to a small market. Research can be done by simply asking residents what kind of business they would like to see open locally. Examining other towns that are similar within the state is helpful in order to find out what has worked elsewhere. Another research technique would be to look at companies that operate in multiple small markets to see if that type of business would work in your town.

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